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Common name:

Eastern Redbud


Botanical name:

Cercis canadensis

(SER-sis kan-a-DEN-sis)

The Eastern Redbud is a deciduous tree native to North America. They are most known for their showy magenta buds that bloom into pink flowers in early spring. The buds and blooms appear before the leaves.

  • Light Requirements: Eastern Redbuds can tolerate full sun to partial shade conditions. It is important to note – if your redbud is in full sun it will require more frequent watering. (It prefers some shade in this area in the heat of the summer.)
  • Water Requirements: Water regularly for freshly planted trees until the roots are established, about the 1st year. You can check the soil, about 2” in depth, to check if water is needed.
  • Characteristics: Redbuds are most known for their showy buds in early spring. Their leaves are typically green throughout late spring to late summer, and then shift to a golden coloring in the fall.
  • Uses: Redbuds work as a great understory tree due to their mature size of 20 – 30 ft tall by 15 – 25 ft wide. If space permits, they also work well with multiple redbuds planted in a grouping.
  • Interesting Facts: The flowers can be eaten fresh or fried. The blossoms are also edible and can add a bright, citrusy taste to salads. The unopened buds can also be pickled and used as a caper substitute.
  • Varieties:
    • Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ is one of the most popular cultivars, with deep purple foliage and rose-colored flowers.
    • Cercis canadensis ‘Ruby Falls’ is an excellent redbud for small spaces. Its weeping habit, red-purple flowers and heart-shaped leaves will bring elegance to any garden.
    • Cercis canadensis ‘Flame Thrower’ is a Himmel’s favorite! Leaves emerge purple and quickly turn to red as they expand. As an individual leaf matures, it transitions from purple to red to reddish-bronze and ultimately yellow-green. Because all leaves are in different stages of development at any particular point in time, the tree displays a brilliant array of colors, especially during stages of active growth.
The redbud tree is in the legume family!
Redbud buds, flowers, and fruit (seed) can be eaten raw, pickled, or cooked.
The Redbud is the state tree of Oklahoma!
Himmel's Landscaping & Garden Center

Author Himmel's Landscaping & Garden Center

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