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Plant of the Week: Poinsettia 

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Common name:


Botanical name:

Euphorbia pulcherrima

The Poinsettia is a perennial shrub native to Mexico. They are hardy in USDA zones 9 and above, and can reach a mature size of 3-10 ft. tall, 3-7 ft. wide. In USDA zones 8 and lower, they are typically used as decorative pieces around the Christmas season.

Commonly referred to as ‘flowers’ on the poinsettia, these are actually petal-like leaves known as “bracts”. The bracts form right below the small flowers of the poinsettia.

  • Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light. Poinsettias are best kept in temperatures between 65°F to 75°F
  • Water Requirements: Poinsettias like to keep their soil moist. Water your poinsettia when the surface feels dry to the touch. Be sure to let your poinsettia fully drain before placing it back into a tray or decorative foil to prevent root rot.
  • Characteristics: Poinsettia is easily recognized for its full green leaves and colorful bracts, traditionally red.
  • Uses: Poinsettias are most commonly used as holiday decoration. When cared for properly, they can continue to provide greenery as an indoor plant throughout the year.
  • Interesting Facts: Christmas poinsettias’ botanical name Euphorbia pulcherrima means “the most beautiful Euphorbia”.
  • Varieties: While the most recognizable variety is the Christmas Eve, with its red bracts, poinsettias can also come in the following varieties due to hybridization:
    • Alaska White: Pure white bracts.
    • Jingle Bell Rock: This variety is a mixture of cream and bright red with glossy dark
      green leaves.
    • Gold Rush: These bracts are in shades of pink and gold.
The colorful part of the poinsettia isn’t a flower – it’s a modified leaf
Grown in over 100 solid, marble, and bi-color varieties in shades of white, cream, pink, purple, red, yellow
The ancient Aztecs used poinsettias to make red dye
In their native tropical environment, poinsettias can grow up to 15 tall

Plant of the Week: Christmas Cactus 

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Common name:

Christmas Cactus, Holiday Cactus

Order Online

Botanical name:

Schlumbergera x buckleyi

The Christmas Cactus is a succulent native to tropical rainforests, originating in the Brazilian rainforest. Christmas cacti grow in their native environments on moss-covered trees (as epiphytes) or in rock crevices filled with decaying vegetation (as lithophytes).

  • Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light. Keep in a warm location, over 55 degrees. 
  • Water Requirements: Water Christmas cacti thoroughly once the soil has completely dried out since its last watering. Allow excess water to run out through the drainage holes.
  • Characteristics: Christmas Cactus has segmented leaves with hanging flowers in red, pink, orange, and white hues. The range of bloom time is typically November through February.
  • Uses: The Christmas Cactus has become a popular holiday houseplant to add some color to the season.
  • Interesting Facts: When taken care of properly a Christmas cactus can last 20 – 30 years! 
  • Varieties:  Schlumbergera x buckleyi (syn. Schlumbergera bridgesii) is the true Christmas cactus, but Schlumbergera truncata can also be sold as a Christmas cactus. Schlumbergera truncata has more notched stems and blooms earlier, closer to Thanksgiving.
Tubular flowers encase the reproductive parts – pistil, ovary, stamens
Orchid-like flowers in shades of red, pink, purple, orange, white
Remove faded flowers to encourage the cactus to continue blooming
Cascading growth is attractively displayed in a hanging basket!

$6.99 each

Christmas Cactus include 4″ pot.  Purchase online and pickup at Himmel’s – while supplies last.

Order Christmas Cactus

Oh Deer! Learn about Deer Resistant Plants

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Oh Deer!

It happened again. You splurged on some beautiful new plants for your garden. You lovingly planted them (with leaf compost and BioTone starter fertilizer, of course), and watered them deeply and thoroughly (at the base, not overhead). You stood back and admired your hard work, snapped some pics for social media, smiled, and went to sleep.

The next morning your hard work was ripped out, chewed up, and strewn all over the ground… by Bambi and friends! NOT CUTE.

At Himmel’s, we have experienced some painful [and expensive!] failures with plants we thought were deer resistant. As it turns out, there really is no such thing as completely deer resistant. If the animal is hungry, it will eat what is available, and unfortunately, what works one year might change the next.

However, we have had consistent results with a few fantastic selections, and we want to share our list with you!

Thanks to our great friend Eileen P. for helping us compile this list after years of trial and error. For additional resources, check out Rutger’s ‘Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance’:

Evergreen Screening Trees:

  • Eastern Red Cedar [Juniperus virginiana] including the ‘Burkii’ and ‘Emerald Sentinel’ cultivars
    • Use these in place of ‘Emerald Green’ and ‘Green Giant’ Arborvitae in heavy deer traffic areas
  • Japanese Cedar [Cryptomeria japonica] ‘Radicans’ and ‘Yoshino’

Small, Ornamental Trees:

  • Crape Myrtle [Lagerstroemia indica] ‘Magic’ Series
  • Japanese Maple [Acer palmatum]
  • Weeping Redbud [Cercis canadensis] ‘Pink Heartbreaker’ and ‘Ruby Falls’ varieties

Small Shrubs:

  • Arborvitae [Thuja occidentalis] including ‘Anna’s Magic Ball’, ‘Bobozam’, and ‘Fire Chief’ varieties
  • ‘Blue Rug’ Juniper and other [Juniperus horizontalis] cultivars
  • Deutzia [Deutzia x.] ‘Nikko’ and ‘Yuki Cherry Blossom’ varieties
  • ‘Sargent’ Juniper [Juniperus chinensis]

Medium Shrubs:

  • Dwarf Mugo Pine [Pinus mugo var. pumilio]
  • ‘Goshiki’ Osmanthus [Osmanthus heterophyllus]
  • Spirea [Spirea japonica] including ‘Candy Corn’, ‘Goldmound’, and ‘Shirobana’
  • Threadleaf False Cypress [Chamaecyparis pisifera] ‘Gold Mop’

Large Shrubs:

  • Cherry Laurel [Prunus laurocerasus], including ‘Majestic Jade’, ‘Schipkaensis’, and ‘Otto Luyken’ varieties
  • Dappled Willow [Salix integra] ‘Hakuro Nishiki’
  • Japanese Hollies [Ilex crenata] including ‘Hoogendorn’, ‘Helleri’, ‘Compacta’, ‘Brass Buckle’ [variegated], and ‘Soft Touch’ varieties
  • Silverberry [Eleagnus ebbengei]
  • Viburnum [Viburnum nudum] ‘Winterthur’ and ‘Brandywine’ varieties


  • Actaea hybrid ‘Chocoholic’
  • Catmint [Nepeta racemosa] – all varieties
  • Coral Bells [Heuchera x.] ‘Zipper’, ‘Paris’, ‘Green Spice’, ‘Southern Comfort’, and ‘Rio’ varieties
  • False Indigo [Baptisia australis]
  • Ferns  – all varieties [native and otherwise]
  • Lavandula [Lavandula x intermedia] ‘Phenomenal’
  • Lenten Rose [Helleborus orientalis] – all varieties
  • Russian Sage [Perovskia atriplicifolia] – all varieties
  • Sedums and Stonecrops – select the creeping groundcover varieties for best results
  • Spurge [Euphorbia martini]


  •  Alliums
  • Daffodils
  • Snowdrops
  • Squill

Native Perennials, Sedges, Grasses, and Shrubs:

  • Black-Eyed Susan [Rudbeckia fulgida] Perennial
  • Bleeding Heart ‘Dicentra canadensis’ Perennial
  • Carex appalachica (Appalachian sedge) Sedge
  • Carex pensylvanica Sedge
  • Clethra [Clethra alnifolia] ‘Hummingbird’ and ‘Ruby Spice’ varieties Shrub
  • Coneflower [Echinacea purpurea] ‘Magnus’ Perennial
  • Coreopsis [Coreopsis verticillata] Perennial
  • Inkberry [Ilex glabra] Shrub
  • Northern Bayberry [Myrica pensylvanica] Shrub
  • Red Twig and Yellow Twig Dogwood [Cornus sericea] Shrub
  • Sea Oats [Chasmanthium latifolium] Grass
  • Sweetspire [Itea virginica] Shrub
  • Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Standing Ovation’ Grass
  • Viburnum [Viburnum dentatum and Viburnum nudum] Shrub
  • Winterberry Holly [Ilex x verticillata] Shrub

 Plants to Avoid [in high deer-traffic areas]:

  • Azalea and Rhododendron varieties
  • Camellia japonica and Camellia sasanqua
  • Hosta fortunei
  • Tulips Bulbs
  • Yew [Taxus sp.]

Deer Deterrent:

We use Deer Snap granular repellent as part of our landscape maintenance program.

The best results combine granular and spray applications. ‘I Must Garden’ Deer Repellent products are available at Himmel’s Landscape and Garden Center in spray and granular applications.

Stop in and speak to our friendly and knowledgeable staff to learn about deer resistant plants and products!

Schedule a free landscape consultation and let our professional and detail-oriented team install a new deer-resistant landscape or…. an 8’ fence around your entire property. That will definitely keep the deer out!

Free Landscaping Consultation
Quick Hydrangea Tips

Quick Hydrangea Tips

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Hydrangea arborescens

Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth Hydrangea, Wild Hydrangea): Native to woodlands in Eastern US. Large round flowers, usually white. Blooms on new growth. Provide afternoon shade. Prune in late winter or early spring during dormancy.

Hydrangea quercifolia

Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf Hydrangea): Native to moist woods in Eastern US. Pyramidal shaped flowers, usually white, blooms on old wood. Large oak shaped leaves with great fall color. Provide afternoon shade. Prune as flowers start to fade.

Hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata (Panicled Hydrangea, Peegee Hydrangea): Large, pyramidal shaped flowers in summer. Blooms on new growth. Tolerates full sun. Can grow large and can be trained into a single trunk, small tree. Prune in late winter or early spring during dormancy.

Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf Hydrangea, Mophead Hydrangea, Snowball Bush): Large round flowers range from pink, blue or purple shades based on acidity in soil. Acidity changes color to blue shades. Alkalinity changes color to pink shades. Older varieties bloom once on old wood. New varieties are reblooming and bloom on old wood and new growth. Provide afternoon shade. Prune as flowers start to fade.

    • Lacecap Hydrangea has flat clusters of small flowers surrounded by a ring of more prominent flowers.

Seed Starting – A Hobby that Grows!

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Seed Starting – A Hobby that Grows!

Starting plants from seed can be a rewarding experience. It allows you to be in control of the way plants are grown, the varieties that are grown, and the timing of plantings. If you are new to the process, start small, be successful and add more varieties next year!  

We like to think of gardening as a fun science experiment and encourage our neighbors to try new things, observe the changes with curiosity, and record data to compare the next time around. There is no ‘perfect ‘ way to start seeds, but there are a few basic best practices. These tips can get you started on the journey from a few small seeds to a full-time jungle of a hobby!

  • Don’t start too early. Vegetables and plants that you associate with summer need the soil temperature to be warm, not the air temperature. Check out the University of Maryland Extension’s handy chart for the perfect timing.
  • Use the right mix! Always use a potting mix or seed starting mix. These specialized blends hold moisture well and are lightweight enough for the tender roots to move through. The mixes are also weed and pest free. Never use garden soil as it is too heavy and can harbor weed seeds and insect and disease organisms. We love to use Espoma Organic Seed Starter, voted #1 by Better Homes & Gardens “because it is a fine, rich blend of natural ingredients and includes beneficial microbes to help promote root growth and encourage strong, healthy plants”.
  • Don’t dry out! Keep the soil moist, not wet, until seeds germinate. A spray bottle is a handy tool for misting delicate seedlings when the surface of the soil dries out, but the experts prefer to water from the bottom, allowing moisture to be drawn upwards to penetrate the tiny roots.
  • Light it up! A sunny window is sufficient, however, you will have more success and stronger plants if you invest in an artificial, full spectrum light source. There are lots of grow lights available on the market – pick something economical for your first experiment.
  • Use the data! Carefully read the seed packets for important details and special instructions like timing and spacing requirements. Use a gardening journal to record your own data – such as days to germination, growth over time, which varieties were more successful than others, and other variables that are important to your understanding of the process. It’s fun to review data and compare notes over years of gardening!
  • Toughen up! As seedlings grow, they may need to be transplanted from grow cells to larger peat pots to accommodate their size. Take care with delicate roots and stems when transplanting. Once your babies are big enough to be transplanted outside, they need to be toughened up to withstand wind and sun. This gradual process is called hardening off. On the first day, put your new plants outside for an hour or two, then bring them back in. Gradually leave the plants out longer every day until they are used to being outside all day and all night. This process should take about two weeks.

As always, the friendly and courteous staff at Himmel’s Landscape and Garden Center are happy to answer your questions, provide guidance, and give you a little extra help with your seed starting adventure. Stop by and pick up everything you need to get started!

Contact us today at 410-255-7730 or visit our location 7 days a week.

Get Outside Spring 2023

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Our slogan at Himmel’s is Get Outside – and we live in a great place for it!

As the weather warms and schedules become crammed with sports activities, concerts, picnics and other school and social events, it’s natural to long for some quiet space to relax and unwind. That space could be in your own backyard!

Check out the latest outdoor living trends for 2023 and gather inspiration for creating the tranquil backyard oasis of your dreams.

Go Big with Hardscaping

Outstanding outdoor kitchens on statement stone patios set the standard for modern outdoor living. Tuck in a few herb containers on the patio or install an elevated stone kitchen garden for easy access to fresh ingredients to throw on the grill. Carefully designed sitting areas bring the comfort of indoor living to the outdoors, whether it’s a book and coffee nook for two, an outdoor bar for a few, or a bench and firepit combo for your whole crew! Fire and water elements add a touch of Zen-like tranquility to your quiet space. Or – if you like the idea of neighborhood festivities in your backyard – get creative and add a life size chess board, horseshoe pitch, or bocce ball court!

Formal Gardens with Classically Inspired Architectural Elements

Carefully manicured landscapes in cool shades of green and white can bring a sense of peace and elegance to your surroundings, separating your space from the hectic outside world. Crisp hedges create privacy, while a few well-placed topiaries or carefully pruned trees add a three-dimensional quality that draws the eye. Stone paths and thoughtfully selected statuary add architectural interest. Columns, pillars, and urns in marble tones are timeless elements! The whole effect is enhanced by a few touches of whimsy – either with pops of perennial color in shades of purple and pink, a small water feature, or an ornate mirror or sundial as a focal point. Even the smallest spaces can benefit from the classic elements of a formal garden.

Native Plants to Attract Pollinators

The native trend is no longer a trend… It’s here to stay! Native plants benefit the environment by creating food and habitat for beautiful birds, precious pollinators, and local wildlife. The many varieties of native trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials create 4-season interest, featuring outstanding flowers and fragrance, evergreen interest, edible berries, gorgeous fall color, and more! Even a small patio planter full of flowering native perennials can benefit bees and butterflies. Enhance your outdoor space with a few native selections and draw nature in to your oasis!

Make it Happen

Wherever your daydreams take you… let the friendly experts at Himmel’s Landscape and Garden Center help you transform your yard into a uniquely beautiful habitat. Contact or call 410-255-7730 to schedule a free consultation.

Contact us today at 410-255-7730 or to schedule your free consultation.

Women’s History Month: Women in Horticulture, Beatrix Farrand

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Women’s History Month: Women in Horticulture, Beatrix Farrand

Because there were no formal schools for landscape architecture in the late 1890s, Beatrix Farrand taught herself. She was introduced to Charles Sprague Sargent who served as the director of the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University. Professor Sargent opened the facilities of the Arboretum to her and she became his apprentice. Farrand traveled abroad visiting and studying gardens to add to her self-taught education.

Farrand started a business in New York City out of her mother’s home. Over her career, she designed over 200 gardens for private estates, including those of John D. Rockefeller,  Mrs. Henry Cabot Lodge and even the White House, where she worked for Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. Her public commissions included The New York Botanic Gardens as well as some of the country’s most prestigious private universities and colleges. Her well-known campus work began with a commission from Princeton in 1913, and led to eventual projects for Yale, Harvard, Oberlin College, and the University of Chicago. The Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania recently restored and rededicated the gardens designed by Farrand.

Among the existing examples of her work are the terraced garden rooms of Dumbarton Oaks, the carriage roads of Acadia National Park, the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden, the old campus at Princeton University, Harkness Memorial State Park and The New York Botanic Garden. Now the headquarters of the Beatrix Farrand Society, Garland Farm is presently restoring her gardens as well as establishing an educational center with a library and archives.

In 1899, the American Society of Landscape Architects was established with Farrand being the only female among its eleven original members. She was instrumental in the concept of vertical gardening and selecting plants that would provide interest during the school terms at the colleges and universities. She was famous for her advocacy of native landscapes and using plans to fit the grounds, not the other way around. Her commitment to horticulture and to her profession inspired others to follow in her footsteps.

Dumbarton Oaks

Contact us today at 410-255-7730 or to schedule your free consultation.

Bulk Garden Materials Pasadena, MD

Bulk Material – Mulch, Soil, Compost, Stone, Sand

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Finding Quality Bulk Materials in Pasadena, MD – Mulch, Soil, Compost, Stone, Sand, and More.

Whether you’re prepping raised bed vegetable gardens, building a DIY patio, or applying fresh mulch to your garden beds, at some point you will need to decide about bulk material – what to buy, how much the project requires, and where to purchase the material.  Himmel’s can help!

Know what you are paying for!

Himmel’s sells bulk items by volume. This is because we do not have a mechanism for weighing material to sell by the ton. Our machines are equipped with ½ yard and 1-yard buckets. A yard is a volume measurement.

  • Note that 1 yard is approximately equivalent to 1.5 tons
  • A half yard is approximately equivalent to ¾ tons

If you are comparing pricing for bulk material, make sure to ask if the material is sold by the yard or by the ton. Once you have your price list, you can do some simple math to break all the pricing down to ½ ton increments and make a fair comparison.

Price per ton vs. price per yard – The Math!

Divide the price per ton by 2 to arrive at the ½ ton price, then multiply by 3 to arrive at the price per yard [because remember… one yard = 1.5 tons].

Or divide the price per yard by 3 to arrive at the price per ½ ton.

This quick equation will allow you to compare ½ ton pricing among different vendors.

For example:

    • $50 per ton / 2 = $25 per half ton. $25 per half ton x 3 = $75 per yard
    • $75 per yard / 3 = $25 per half ton

Quality, convenience, and price are important factors to consider when purchasing bulk material. Make sure to compare delivery fees too!

But How Much Do I Need?

The amount of material depends on the type of project. For construction projects, safety regulations and building codes require a specific amount of aggregate or material for a base layer. The depth depends on whether the project is for pedestrian or vehicular application. For mulch beds,  2-3” is generally sufficient, although some gardeners prefer up to 4” of mulch. The amount of soil, compost, or fill dirt is related to the volume required for the area. A cubic yard measurement will most accurately meet your volume needs.

 We offer 3 options to help you determine the amount of material required for your project!

3) Calculate your volume needs using the steps listed below to arrive at cubic yards:

  • First determine square footage. Measure L x W for square footage. If your beds are oddly shaped, you can divide them into quadrants, or make a general sq. ft determination and round up to the nearest whole number.
  • Determine how deep you want the mulch/soil/stone to be.
  • Divide the square footage by the appropriate number to arrive at cubic yards:
    • 4″ deep – divide by 81
    • 3″ deep – divide by 108
    • 2″ deep – divide by 162
    • 1″ deep – divide by 324

For example, if you have 4 raised bed gardens, each one is 12’x4’, and you want to top-dress with 4” of compost:

  • 12’x4’ garden bed = 48 sq. ft.
  • 48 sq. ft. x 4 garden beds = 192 total sq. ft.
  • 192 sq. ft. / 81 = 2.37 cubic yards.

Next Steps

It’s the perfect time of year to start planning your next project! We would love to be a part of it. Call Himmel’s or visit us online and let us help you determine your material and quantity needs.

And if you decide you just don’t feel like doing it yourself, contact for a free consultation, and let our friendly and detail-oriented landscaping and hardscaping crews do it for you!

Bulk Garden Materials Pasadena, MD

Bulk Product Description

  • Topsoil –  locally produced, double screened topsoil suitable for a variety of landscape applications including backfilling, planting grass seed, and garden beds. $40 per yard. Delivery and pickup available.
  • Leafgro – also called leaf compost; made up of shredded leaves and grass clippings that are completely decomposed. Leafgro is locally produced. Excellent for overseeding or installing sod. Also used to amend soil for planting. Can be mixed with topsoil. Customers sometimes order half and half; this is usually a mix of half leafgro/half topsoil. $40 per yard. Delivery and pickup available.
  • Mushroom Compost – this is a blend of organic matter most suitable for vegetable and herb gardening. Can be mixed with topsoil. 1 part mushroom compost to 2 parts topsoil = 6.5 pH; perfect for gardening. $40 per yard. Delivery and pickup available.
  • Fill Dirt – Screened fill dirt for backfilling and for construction projects. Not recommended for gardening. $32 per yard. Delivery and pickup available.
  • Mulch – all Himmel’s high quality mulches are shredded hardwood. The dyed mulch is dyed with vegetable dye and is non-toxic. Prices range $35 – $48 per yard. Delivery and pickup available.
  • Concrete Sand – Useful for many construction, hardscape, and landscape applications. Concrete sand is the final layer before pavers are installed. Cannot be used as playground sand because it gets very dusty when dry and sometimes there are large, sharp particles. $90 per yard. Delivery and pickup available.
  • Crusher Run – Also called CR-6, crusher run stone is a mix of coarse and fine aggregate used in construction and hardscape applications. CR-6 is the base layer for patios and retaining walls and should be tamped down to builder specifications for safe use. Himmel’s carries blue gray CR-6 for $90 per yard. Delivery and pickup available.
  • 57# Stone – This stone is about 3/4″ in size. 57# stone is multipurpose and used in construction, hardscape, landscape, and drainage applications. Himmel’s carries 57# stone in two colors: marble chip [white] for $95 per yard, and blue gray for $95 per yard. Delivery and pickup available.
  • Chesapeake Blend River Rock – River rock, also called river jack and Delaware rounds, is a multi-colored stone with a smooth surface used for decorative applications. Himmel’s carries river rock in 3/4″; 1-3″; and 3-5” sizes. All sizes are $250 per yard. Delivery and pickup available.
Other aggregates and materials available for direct delivery.
Just ask!

Contact us today at 410-255-7730 or to schedule your free consultation.

Lose the Lawn and Go Wild

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Do you dread spending your free time mowing a lawn that never seems to grow as green or weed-free as you’d like it to?

Lose the Lawn

Do you dread spending your free time mowing a lawn that never seems to grow as green or weed-free as you’d like it to? Have you heard of lawn-free alternatives, but are uncertain how to make it happen in your yard? Let the experts at Himmel’s Landscape and Garden Center help you lose the lawn and create a better, healthier, and more beautiful world by replacing it with a pollinator-friendly habitat!

At Himmel’s, we offer two popular lawn alternatives: a drought tolerant rock garden filled with hardy perennials and native shrubs, or a blooming wildflower meadow that provides outstanding color and interest.

Hardy Rock Garden

Add architectural interest with beautiful boulders and colorful river rock! Careful placement of native shrubs will provide food and habitat for songbirds and beneficial pollinators, while pockets of hardy perennials and succulents draw the eye and add interesting color and texture. Add a few ornamental edible plants like blueberries, kale, bronze fennel, and Swiss chard to make the best use of space. Careful selection and proper installation will ensure that the beauty grows, and the maintenance is minimized!

Go Wild with Wildflowers!

Planting a beneficial wildflower meadow, even one as small as 20 square feet, will have a tremendous impact on our native wildlife, providing food and shelter for precious pollinators including bees, birds, and butterflies. Replacing any portion of lawn with a biologically diverse wildflower meadow will help draw beneficial insects, control pests like mosquitos and white flies, and contribute to a healthier, balanced ecosystem.

Did you know that spending time outdoors observing nature contributes to improved wellness?

A new wildflower garden can positively benefit your family and neighbors! The visual appeal of colorful blooms and seedheads, the beautiful variety of pollinators and birds that will be attracted to the new habitat, the pleasing fragrances, and the delight of birdsong will surely bring added joy.

Call today to get started!

Whether you prefer a wildflower meadow or a hardy rock garden, our friendly and professional landscaping team can’t wait to help you replace the lawn with an environmentally friendly alternative. We will help with a personalized design, professional installation, and post-installation guidance and clear instruction to ensure the success of your new garden.

Contact us today at 410-255-7730 or to schedule your free consultation.